コーヒー 屋さんをお探しですか? ようこそ、 ENOKISSA ESPRESSO ( エノキッサ ・ エスプレッソ )へ。

What’s NEW
Last updated on 1/21/25
月曜定休/午前10時~午後7時 (土日は午後6時まで)
Closed on Mondays
10AM – 7PM (6PM on Sat & Sun).
May rest in peace to all the victims in the earthquake that hit Noto peninsula on this New Year’s Day. And also Our thoughts go out to those who are still in disaster or sufering.
We are on X(Twitter) and Instagram.
Thank you.

★Viento en popa さん閉店に伴い、2021年7月以降、店内客席スペースを徐々に拡張しました。お客様がエスプレッソドリンクを愉しみながら、個人の時間をより快適に心地よく過ごして頂ける雰囲気や空間を作っていければと思っております。
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation always to the prevention of Coronavirus infection or Covid-19.
★We’ve been making up some additional seats since the shop, Viento en popa, closed which was located in our house. It’ll be our pleasure that you would have enjoy the espresso and cozy time more.
*Our latest updates of any extra day off or schedules will be dropped here.
Please check this out again before coming to see us at the shop.
Hours : 10 PM – 7 PM
Closed on Every Monday.

エスプレッソ専門のコーヒー店。山梨県甲斐市内、旧竜王町の廃軌道沿いの ENOKISSA (えのきっさ)です。
Come and enjoy your favorite or the best espresso drink you’ve ever had .-)
We are a small neighborhood coffee shop that loves espresso and is dedicated to the community we serve.